Functional Medicine Blood Work

Tier 1 Lab Work Panel

Our Price: $419 

Compare to Quest Labs List Price: $2,492

What is the Tier 1 Blood Work Panel? 

Our Tier 1 panel of diagnostic tests, put together by Dr. Winstrom, is a laboratory survey of important indicators across multiple systems of the body.  Some of these tests may be familiar from tests that you've had done with your traditional primary care physician.  However, this panel consists of 23 individual tests that go beyond the routine labs and give deeper insight into what may really be going on with your body. Our bodies are complex creatures and our systems are integrated, working together, taking a deeper look means we can see into possible deficiencies or abnormalities that might have gone unnoticed before.

Why Do I Need It? 

These indicators are the essential, initial clues, that Functional Medicine uses to look for the root cause of chronic conditions.  We recommend it for all patients and require it for new patients who are seeking Functional Medicine treatment or who have an acute health issue to investigate with Dr. Winstrom. 

How Much Does It Cost? 

$419 - purchased and ordered through our office.

This is over an 82% discount - Quest Diagnostics historically bills an average of $2,492 for these tests. 

Lab work must be paid for and ordered through our office. We can provide you with an insurance-ready "superbill" that you can submit to your insurance company to get reimbursed for any tests they cover. 

Does Insurance Pay for It? 

Many insurance plans cover routine lab work and will reimburse patients for some or all of the tests included in the Tier 1 panel. The good news is, ordering lab work through our office is deeply discounted, you are paying over 82% less than the price the labs charge insurance companies.  Using our negotiated rates puts a cap on the amount you pay out-of-pocket for lab work. You are still eligible to get reimbursed by your insurance company by submitting the "superbill" we give you.  The Tier 1 panel may even end up costing you $0 after insurance reimbursement. Some of the advanced specialty testing, beyond blood work, needed for Functional Medicine is often not covered.

If you would like to research in advance what your insurance reimbursement would be with your specific provider, you can contact them and reference the CPT codes listed below for each individual test included in the panel. The price listed for each test is what we currently charge when purchased individually. There is an even more significant discount when purchased together as the Tier 1 panel.

Tests Included in the Tier 1 Panel

Cardio IQ® Apolipoprotein B (CPT 82172) $39
CBC wDiff & Platelets (CPT 85025) $13
Comprehensive Metabolic Panel, CMP-14 (CPT 80053) $18
Lipid PanelTotal Cholesterol, HDL Cholesterol (CPT 80061) $20
Ferritin (CPT 82728) $13
Gamma Glutamyl Transferase, GGT (CPT 82977) $11
Hemoglobin A1c (CPT 83036) $19
Homocysteine (CPT 83090) $38 hs-CRP (CPT 86141) $24
Insulin (CPT 83525) $17
Iron, Total  & Total Iron Binding Capacity (CPT 83540 & 83550) $20 T3, Reverse, LC/MS/MS (CPT 84482) $43
T3, Free (CPT 84481) $19 T3, Total (CPT 84480)$16 T4, Total (CPT 84436) $16 Uric Acid (CPT 84550) $15
Lactate Dehydrogenase, LD (CPT 83615) $11
Magnesium, RBC(CPT 83735) $30
Omega-3 and -6 Fatty Acids (CPT 82542) $65
 Urinalysis, Complete(CPT 81001) $18
Thyroid Peroxidase  & Thyroglobulin Antibodies(CPT 86376 & 8600) $53
Vitamin D, 25-Hydroxy, Total (CPT 82306)$50
A Quest lab blood draw fee is included in our discounted Tier 1 lab panel but is a separate $15 fee if not bundled
Prices listed are for individual tests, the Tier 1 is a bundled discount when purchased together

Dr. Winstrom recommended that I get a Tier 1, what do I do? 

1. Use the links below to make a request for a Lab Order (or call the office during business hours)

2. We will email you an invoice via QuickBooks (you can use your receipt to submit to insurance)

3. Pay for the test conveniently online through the email you receive or call the office to pay over the phone

4. After receiving payment we will order the labs electronically at Quest Diagnostics and send you instructions with the lab order, through the patient portal 

5. Visit and schedule an appointment at any location convenient to you

6. Get your blood drawn 

7. Schedule a follow-up phone consultation with Dr. Winstrom for about 2 weeks from your blood draw date

8. We will notify you when your results are returned and uploaded to your patient portal for your review

9. Review your results with Dr. Winstrom at your scheduled follow-up appointment

Ready to order?  Call us at (713) 572-7540 or order online

Need something else?  Contact us online and a member of our staff will be in touch!